The food dehydrate machine and other components are packed by plywood and cardboard ,which can avoid breaking during transportation.A food drying machine is a machine for drying food, such as fruits, vegetables, and meats. TWSIX Food Drying Machine is an advanced food drying machine with the following features: • Built-in food hygienic test and sterilization • Automatic drying and cooling • Safety and easy operation • Reusable and easy.ideal for mass drying of dried foods, such as bread, pasta, cookies, breadcrumbs, rice, fruit, vegetables, and meat, as well as pre-heating, cooling, and. TWSIX Food Drying Machine is an equipment that solves the problem of food shortage and improves the quality of life. The TWSIX Food Drying Machine is a compact self-contained machine designed for drying food to be exported to foreign countries.